Portfolio Updates!
Lot's of new work has just been added to the portfolio - and there is a ton of new projects on the horizon for 2019! Be sure to have a peek!
FleetOptics Inc. Ranks #1 On Macleans Startup 50
Toronto, ON (September 13, 2018) - Canadian Business and Maclean’s today ranked FleetOptics Inc. No. 1 on the 2018 Startup 50 ranking of Canada’s Top New Growth Companies.
It’s Not My Work, But This 620 Megapixel Image Of NYC Will Melt Your Brain
A truly remarkable piece of work, captured by Vast founder Dan Piech, that is more than worth the share. Ultra-high definition photography is becoming more and more a "thing" in today's day and age - and with the advanced in digital processing and panoramic stitching - the details that can be captured, as simply staggering.
Jake Israel Media Group – Version 5, Is Alive!
It is with great pleasure that I can announce today marks the launch of the 5th iteration of the Jake Israel Media Group Web Site! Featuring a multitude of current and previous works from my entire portfolio, I truly hope that you find it both enjoyable and educational.
Hyperrealism In Editorial Photography
I have often tried, albeit, unsuccessfully to replicate the hyperrealism of uber-high fashion photography, thinking that it was all facilitated with “nearly impossible to obtain on my budget” Hassleblad and Leica medium-format camera systems. Indeed, some of these cameras cost upwards of $40,000 just for the body. Lenses? Well, those will set you back another $15,000 a piece. A piece! However, the results - can be, well - simply astonishing. Especially in print. They scream amazingness, and a certain level of “fashion”. Modernity. Coolness. Wowza.