Every agency should produce, or lend their talents to a “fun” project from time-to-time. When my longtime friend and owner of Anywhere Apps – Eric Wood – approached me with his idea for a scalable, web-based and smartphone compliant “party” game – I jumped at the opportunity.
With strict design and technological requirements – necessary for scalability and integration with AWS – I was fortunate to have designed and developed both the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and the User Experience (UX) for the application as well as producing the web site and digital advertising and roll out strategy.
Clean, functional, engaging and vivid themes abound – early testing has been a tremendous success and I immensely look forward to the soft-launch in the Spring of 2019.
Have a group of friends over for a Friday night soiree? Don’t mind things getting a little messy? That Party Game – is made just for you!