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    I had to be pragmatic. I had to push the gear to the max. And I wasn't comfortable with it, nor sure of the results. I suppose, that is one of the more difficult challenges a photographer can face. Don't get me wrong - I love Rancho Relaxo - it's intimacy creates one seriously cool vibe - and it is, in fact, one of the more popular venues in Toronto to see a live band. I was all set to shoot with my big Canon 24-105 F4 L with a Canon 430 EX II Speedlite - when some alarm bells rang in my ear. As a musician myself, I am used to seeing flashbulbs go off when on stage - but they can be distracting.

    I have often tried, albeit, unsuccessfully to replicate the hyperrealism of uber-high fashion photography, thinking that it was all facilitated with “nearly impossible to obtain on my budget” Hassleblad and Leica medium-format camera systems. Indeed, some of these cameras cost upwards of $40,000 just for the body. Lenses? Well, those will set you back another $15,000 a piece. A piece! However, the results - can be, well - simply astonishing. Especially in print. They scream amazingness, and a certain level of “fashion”. Modernity. Coolness. Wowza.